Topic: sandwich

We all have ground beef in the freezer. Whether you’re saving it for burgers on the grill, easy taco filling for your next Taco Tuesday fiesta, or a homemade meat sauce, it’s always good to have on-hand. If you need another ground beef recipe,...

Whether you call the right coast or left coast home, you’re surely familiar with the regional rivalry. Tupac vs. Biggie. LA vs. NYC. Pacific vs. Atlantic. Coastal dwellers are quick to back the musical talent, sports teams, and local flavor of...

7 Dad-approved Appliances That Will Make Your Dad Leave the Door Open When The Air Conditioner is On
The way to a dad’s heart is usually through his stomach. But you can really impress pops by choosing a Father’s Day gift he’ll genuinely enjoy using. Dad taught you how to be an observant and thoughtful gift-giver, so choose one of these...

If you’re a fan of brunch, you’re likely also a fan of eggs Benedict. The classic brunch dish combines english muffins, asparagus, ham, runny poached eggs, and rich, creamy hollandaise sauce. It’s truly the perfect recipe for bridging the gap...

It’s Carnival season and there’s no shortage of delicious food to enjoy before, during, and after Fat Tuesday. If you’re having a Mardi Gras party, this slow cooker muffuletta dip is the perfect appetizer to serve to your krewe....

Ok - there’s no denying how delicious a post-Thanksgiving turkey sandwich is. I like mine on white bread with a generous slather of mayo and plenty of cracked black pepper. I honestly look forward to the day after Thanksgiving every year just to...

Nothing com-pears, nothing com-pears, to you. Are you singing yet? Prince said it first, but this fall we’re saying it again. With apples and pumpkins in the limelight this time of year, it’s easy to forget about pears. But don’t....

The Breakfast Sandwich Maker’s claim to fame is putting breakfast on the table in 5 mins or less. But what about lunch and dinner? Think past the english muffin and use this versatile appliance to make more than just your favorite breakfast...