Topic: Appliances

No matter how much you love summer, there is one part that can drive even the most heat-loving person bonkers: cooking in a hot kitchen. When outdoor temperatures are high, cooking over a hot stove or firing up the oven can be the last thing you...

In the age of meal kits, grocery delivery apps and subscription-based shopping, it seems like everybody’s out to save a little time and effort where they can when it comes to cooking. Which may be why the multi-cooker has been surging in...

Pressure cookers are all the rage now, and they’re not even close to the ones your parents or grandparents used to use. Thanks to digital controls, built-in safety features and their sheer convenience, pressure cookers have been making their way...

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or just learning how to cook, it’s easier than ever to achieve low-fuss, high-quality meals thanks to two kitchen appliances: the slow cooker and the pressure cooker. Both promise to deliver delicious meals and...

Appliances in general are made to make life easier, but these days, just picking one out is starting to be a challenge of its own. As technology evolves, you may find yourself wondering why exactly you’re seeing temperature probes on slow cookers...

7 Dad-approved Appliances That Will Make Your Dad Leave the Door Open When The Air Conditioner is On
The way to a dad’s heart is usually through his stomach. But you can really impress pops by choosing a Father’s Day gift he’ll genuinely enjoy using. Dad taught you how to be an observant and thoughtful gift-giver, so choose one of these...

The invention that revolutionized the home appliance industry and the way you cook in your kitchen has hit a major milestone. On the 100th anniversary of the patent, we give a nod to the Hamilton Beach Home Motor and tip our caps to the electrically...