Topic: crafts

Nowadays it’s easier than ever to order gifts and have them delivered in a matter of days (pay enough and it’ll be there the same day). Depending on where you’re shopping you can even include a gift message and wrapping - they make it so easy....

Halloween is right around the corner and everyone is starting to plan costumes, trick or treating routes, and parties. While I think every child (and admittedly, some adults - myself included) would agree that Halloween is all about the candy,...

Wedding season is in full swing. If you’ve had to travel for weddings you’re probably familiar with receiving a welcome bag upon your arrival at the hotel - whether it’s filled with maps of the surrounding area or the trusty kit for the next...

Bethany DeVore studied interior design in college and is now focusing her efforts on blogging, creating, and soaking up the joys of toddlerhood. She and her husband recently bought a new home and are working to turn it into their dream home one...

Corey Willis, the blogger behind Tiny Sidekick, is a former high school teacher who took her love for DIY projects and home design from an occasional hobby to a unique career. She is now a stay-at-home mom of two living in California, helping her...