It seems like ramen and pho restaurants are popping up everywhere, and we aren’t complaining. While these Asian soups seem complicated to make, we tackled homemade ramen soup in the slow cooker and couldn’t have been happier with the results.
Combine broth, soup mixes, water, brown sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, chili sauce, fish sauce and lime juice in the slow cooker crock. Then add the pork to the crock and cook until the meat is tender.
Once the meat is cooked, remove it and shred into bite-sized pieces. Add the shredded pork back to the crock along with carrots and mushrooms and cook until the carrots are tender, or cooked to your liking. Then, stir in store-bought ramen noodles and fresh cabbage. Discard the flavor packets that come with the ramen. Trust us, this broth is flavorful enough on it’s own.
Once the noodles are cooked, you are ready to serve. We garnished the soup with halved soft-boiled eggs, peanuts, and extra cabbage (you can use red cabbage instead of green for a pop of color). But as far as toppings go, raid your refrigerator. Snow peas, tofu, jalapeños, bamboo shoots – all work well and will add depth of flavor.
For our tasting panel here at Hamilton Beach, this recipe was a homerun. We enjoyed the richness of the broth and appreciated that you could easily adjust the heat of the dish – some added sriracha, some didn’t. We all went back for seconds and are confident your family members will do the same. Break the chopsticks out and enjoy.
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Mix and match any temperature with your choice of cooking times with the Programmable Stay or Go 6 Quart Slow Cooker.