Visit our Facebook page and view our test kitchen’s best slow cooker recipes. Find ones you’d like to make and share with friends. You could plan all your family’s meals with these one-pot masterpieces. Be sure to vote for your favorite recipes, and come back each day to vote again. Your vote is an entry into the contest. We’re giving away 10 Programmable Stay or Go® Slow Cookers on October 30th to #HBSlowCookerClub members! Official rules
For even more chances to win, follow @HamiltonBeach on Twitter. We’ll be holding twitter chats throughout October (just look for the #HBSlowCookerClub hashtag). Participants are automatically entered to win. Official rules for the twitter chats can be found here.
Love using my slow cooker. I use it 4 to 5 night a week.
Has anybody else had their Stay or Go slow cooker cover shatter while cooking? I had BBQ Ribs cooking for 2 hours on high and hear a loud pop, I walked into the kitchen and saw the glass shattered. I bought it a year ago and had used it about 20 times and never imagined something like this happening.
Hi Rebecca – please give our consumer affairs team a call at 1-800-851-8900. They can help with replacement information.
Wow! That’s great, Jodi. What are some of your favorite recipes?
I need a replacement vessel for Crock Pot Model 33453 Series A194DI and cannot find any in your parts listing for Model 33453. Please Help?
I have a Stay ‘n Go slow cooker that I bought about a year ago & only used about 5 or 6 times. When I went to get it out of storage the lid was shattered. I am glad it did not happen with food in it. Why does this happen & why would I want to use this if that can happen while cooking food.
how do I register my new slow cooker/ not purchased from this website or store
Hi Carolyn. Our customer service team would be happy to help you with this. Please give them a call at 1-800-851-8900.
You can register your product here:
Hi Michael. You can reach our customer service department at 1-800-851-8900. They should be able to help.
Wish I could afford these new breakfast makers! Will save for that red one!
Can I cook chicken dressing (stuffing) in my slow cooker model 33245?
Why is there a hole in top of slow cooker? Doesn’t that keep it from working correct?
Good question, Tami! Actually, that hole is there for venting. Just a little bet of venting needs to occur while slow cooking to let out excess pressure. It does not effect cooking outcome.
Thank you!
How do I clean the screen at the drain – where coffee comes out – on my BrewStation. It runs very slowly and sometimes dribbles around the cup then drips after removing cup. I’ve tried vinegar and even CLR.
I love my food processor model # 70740. Just finished making seven pounds of chopped liver. I love the lightness of the appliance and how it grips the counter to give you the counter balance you need. Clean up is a breeze. Much easier than the Cuisinart I used to have. Kudos to your design engineers……they got it right