Idina Menzel got every little girl and boy in the nation to dance around with their arms spread wide singing “Let it go, let it gooooooooo” until they were out of breath or dizzy from spinning. I saw it happen in homes, parking lots and even airports. The animated movie’s fans were obsessed with everything blue, everything snowflake and everything resembling frozen snow – and they STILL are. Everyone is still obsessed with the year’s biggest blockbuster, so why not celebrate it with Frozen Brownies fit for an ice queen..
Use your favorite chocolate brownie recipe for these Frozen Brownies. Simply sprinkle them with confectioners sugar and cut them into squares, then top with the decoration. To make the frozen snowflake decoration, use a regular cocktail toothpick with a blue top. Add a scrapbooking sticker from a craft store, then tie a glittery blue ribbon underneath. It’s all you need to make the perfect Frozen Brownies any kid (or kid at heart) will love.
We’ll be sharing our favorite chocolate brownie recipe soon, along with our favorite ways to decorate them for the holidays. But we just couldn’t wait to show you these Frozen Brownies as a sneak peek of what’s to come.