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Halloween Stuffed Peppers

In the midst of costumes, candy, tricks and treats, the last thing on anyone’s mind is getting a healthy and well-balanced dinner on Halloween night. But what if you could do just that without a lot of hassle or prep? And what if your kids actually wanted to eat what you made them? That’s where these adorable Halloween-themed stuffed peppers come in to save the day – or night.

Use orange peppers to make little pumpkins by cutting out a traditional jack-o-lantern face. Stuff it with plain rice or blend rice, meat and veggies from the grocery store hot foods bar, pop the top back on and serve. It’s really that easy, and you end up with a very entertaining meal in a secretly healthy vessel.

To make a witch, use green peppers and make cutouts for the eyes and mouth. Cut out a circle in the middle, and insert the stem of the pepper to make a pointy witch nose. It’s okay if it’s not perfect. Wicked witches are known for their moles and warts anyway! Stuff it, cut out a paper hat and your kids can decide if this is a good witch or bad witch. Happy Halloween!

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