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Search results for: bbq

  • Why you need a hand mixer for the holidays 

    As the holiday season approaches, your kitchen will likely become a bustling hub of friends, family, and culinary creativity. That's why you need a trusted companion to help you tackle tasks with ease. Here's where the humble hand mixer comes in....

  • 7 cookout burgers perfect for a cook-in

    No cookout is complete without hamburgers. Whether you’re having a Memorial Day or Labor Day cookout, or celebrating a birthday, baby shower, or graduation, we've gathered seven of our favorite flavor-packed burger recipes that are perfect for the...

  • Recipes to send off your senior with a graduation party to remember

    Honor the high school or college graduate in your life with a celebration that’ll show them the tassel really was worth the hassle. We’ve gathered some crowd-pleasing recipes to send off your senior with a feast to remember. ...

  • Five fabulous back-to-school snacks for your air fryer

    As temperatures tumble and the days shorten in September, the pace of life speeds up for most families. With kids returning to school, sports, clubs and other activities, everyone just gets busier. Making sure there are plenty of tasty foods...

  • Summertime and the cooking is easy (and slow)

    Soup or stew on a crisp autumn day—this is how most of us imagine using a slow cooker. But summer is also a great time to pull out this versatile appliance, sit back and let time do the work. Forget turning on the oven (and then turning up the air...

  • Celebrate summer with slow cooker barbecue recipes

    Cooking meat “low and slow” is the very definition of barbecue, according to Smithsonian Magazine, and it is as American as apple pie. Barbecue actually made its way to what is now the U.S. by none other than Christopher Columbus, who...

  • 5 ways to keep your kitchen cool this summer

    No matter how much you love summer, there is one part that can drive even the most heat-loving person bonkers: cooking in a hot kitchen. When outdoor temperatures are high, cooking over a hot stove or firing up the oven can be the last thing you...

  • 7 foods you never thought to make in an air fryer

    Sure, the original idea of the air fryer was to make traditionally deep-fried foods taste amazing using little to no oil. But it didn’t take long for people to realize that there is way more to air frying than French fries and onion rings. The...