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Search results for: stew

  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a cast iron electric grill

    A new generation of professional chefs and home cooks alike are discovering the tried-and-true benefits of cast iron cooking with the Hamilton Beach® Professional cast iron electric grill. It offers all the upsides of your grandmother's favorite...

  • Toaster oven recipes to beat the summer heat

    If you want to beat the heat in the kitchen this summer, a Hamilton Beach® toaster oven is a smart tool to help you keep your cool. These versatile and efficient appliances use less energy than a traditional oven, and some models can even help you...

  • 7 vegetarian dinner recipes even carnivores will crave

    Despite the popularity of high-protein and low-carb diets like Paleo, Atkins and Keto, Americans are actually eating less meat overall. And experts say that’s a good thing—skipping meat even one day a week, as advocated by the Meatless Mondays...

  • Slow cookers that defrost meat & cook dinner while you work

    If you’re struggling to get home-cooked meals on the table for you and your family following a long day of work, you’re not alone—about half of American families rarely have dinner together. Even the Harvard Business Review, better known...

  • Summertime and the cooking is easy (and slow)

    Soup or stew on a crisp autumn day—this is how most of us imagine using a slow cooker. But summer is also a great time to pull out this versatile appliance, sit back and let time do the work. Forget turning on the oven (and then turning up the air...

  • Healthy, wealthy & wise: Tips for slow cooking in the new year

    With every new year comes a flurry of New Year’s resolutions. If you are one of the countless people aiming to make this year healthy, wealthy or wise, why not include a slow cooker as part of your plan? The cold months are the slow cooker’s...

  • 5 easy ways to keep your New Year’s resolutions

    The motivation for change that comes with a new year fades fast as you get back into the swing of things, and those resolutions that seemed easy to make get really hard to keep. Make this year different by getting the right tools to put your plan...

  • Top 10 slow cooker questions, answered

    Slow cookers are a staple small kitchen appliance, and while they seem straightforward, they can stir up quite a few questions. Since a lot of the design, engineering and testing of our slow cookers is done right here at Hamilton Beach headquarters,...